The school day in the Pre-Prep and Junior Prep begins at 9:00am, and parents may drop-off their children anytime from 8:30am. There will be opportunities throughout the term for parents to chat with the teacher and teaching assistants and learn about their children’s learning progress.
Children enrolled in half-day schooling in either the Pre-Nursery or Nursery can be picked up from their classrooms between 12:10pm and 12:20pm. All half-day children will have lunch before leaving for the day.
The school day in the Pre-Prep and Junior Prep finishes at 3:30pm.
We also offer an exciting Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) Programme for all children from Reception. CCAs are an integral part of the Brighton College (Singapore) curriculum, providing exciting activities to the pupils and broadening their everyday experiences.
During non CCAs week, Form Time is offered for all children in Pre-Prep and Junior Prep and takes place between 3:40pm and 4:15pm every day. Form Time will enable pupils to get to know their teacher and classmates even better through team-building and circle time activities. There will also be time for pupils to ask questions and familiarise themselves more with the classroom environment, resources, behaviour, and learning expectations.